Recurring Notifications via SMS, Email, Postcards, and more

Send proactive, personalized, engaging, and automated messages via SMS, email, Messenger, postcards, and other channels to drive consumer re-engagement with your brand via DiALOGiFY Recurring Notifications.

Build relationships

Recurring Notifications build relationships with your customers through high-quality communication. Customers will opt-in to receive messages, regularly reconfirm their interests, and can also pull out at any time.

Available through multiple touchpoints

Recurring Notifications allow your brand to initiate conversations with your customers through multiple touchpoints, including SMS, social media, email, postcards, and others. Improve your engagement or boost your sales that may not have happened before.

Fully personalized

Recurring Notifications allow customized and timely messages that drive action. Businesses have the full capacity to choose what and when to send depending on relevant context and previous customer experiences.

Send timely and relevant content

Through Recurring Notifications, you can send product discovery recommendations, abandoned cart notifications, daily promotions, promotional codes, tips, community advice, service reminders, and many more.

Drive sales with DiALOGiFY Recurring Notifications

Our customers who chose Recurring Notifications to want to discover new approaches to reach customers beyond traditional social media advertising, CPC, and remarketing campaigns.

What are the benefits of Recurring Notifications

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Personalized communication

Craft and deliver personalized messages to people who are interested in your brand.

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Communication throughout customer journey

Engage with customers at every stage of their customer journey to drive the best results.

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Relevant communication channels

Initiate the conversation via the multiple channels that your customers prefer.

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Stronger customer relations

Foster much deeper relationships with your customers through meaningful and high-quality conversations that matter to them.

How DiALOGiFY Recurring Notifications work

1) Choose a pre-set frequency
Businesses can choose to send messages daily, weekly, or monthly.

2) Get people to opt-in
Businesses must get people to opt-in before sending any recurring messages. Your opt-in messages are customizable to deliver the maximum impact.

3) Renew opt-in
Opt-ins have an expiry. Our system will send a notification right before the expiry asking whether people wish to continue receiving the notifications.

4) People always stay in charge
Your customers will have the ability to cancel the conversations at any time. The control will be available with every message sent.

Start using DiALOGiFY Recurring Notifications now!

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