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Posted In: Generative AI

From Vision to Reality: How L’Oréal Harnesses AI — And How You Can Too with DiALOGiFY Is your business still caught in the trap of “this is how we’ve always done it”? It’s time to…

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Posted In: Generative AI

  Unlock Your Treasure Trove with a Simple Question Customer feedback. It’s the goldmine every business claims to value, but let’s be honest—getting customers to give feedback is like trying to make a cat take…

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Posted In: Generative AI

Will your new colleague be an AI Agent? Written by Alex Velinov Alex Velinov, published on LinkedIn. How do you feel about the prospect of your next colleague being an AI agent? This isn’t a…

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Posted In: Generative AI

Written by Alex Velinov Alex Velinov, published on LinkedIn. The Evolution Beyond Traditional Sales Funnels In today’s digital era, the conventional sales funnel is becoming an outdated concept. Customers no longer follow a linear path…

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Posted In: Generative AI

Written by Alex Velinov Alex Velinov, published on LinkedIn. The latest AI innovations from tech giants like Google and OpenAI are poised to radically transform marketing as we know it. At recent events like Google…

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