Because nothing beats a good Conversation

Posted In: Marketing Automation

Today, successful brands put their customers at the center of attention. Communication with consumers has never been more critical in your marketing strategy than it is today. Consumers want to be entertained, engaged and retained.…

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Posted In: Use Cases

Converting prospective customers to buyers is a constant challenge for brands online. Consumers are given a virtually unlimited choice of brands and products, leaving them undecided and in search of expert advice. In a study…

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Posted In: Conversational Marketing

As marketers, we can no longer afford to build poorly targeted campaigns. Consumers nowadays know precisely what they want, and they have no patience to look at items that are not relevant to them. Build…

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Posted In: Customer Experience

THE EXAMPLE OF EMMI CAFFÈ LATTE D2C strategies with chat dialogues are often associated not only with sales benefits, but also with learning through direct data collection from the consumer goods manufacturer. The following case…

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Posted In: Conversational Marketing

Implementation of conversational marketing strategy has been on a rise. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the way consumers shop changed dramatically. Lockdowns, reduced social interactions, change of habits resulted in all of us adopting new…

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