Because nothing beats a good Conversation

Posted In: Customer Experience

NPS, CSAT, and CES are used worldwide to enable companies to have the stakeholders’ attention in order to improve the customer experience and, ultimately, their bottom line. How can your brand use them to improve…

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Posted In: Marketing Automation

Successful marketing automation strategies put customers at the center and reduce the friction that your prospects might have at different sales funnel stages. Therefore, as a brand, you should be prepared for different automation types at varying stages of the consumer journey.

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Posted In: Use Cases

How does a company or a brand manage to attract the attention of consumers?
This is a challenge that those responsible for marketing in companies have to face. ‘He who does not advertise dies’, that is a fact. But how do you advertise, or rather, how do you make sure that you get the undivided attention of the consumer? Gamification offers promising approaches to this.

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Posted In: Use Cases

“Recently, when I was about to buy a new hairdryer, I found that an Instagram photo of a friend of mine influenced my choice of product.” Have you ever been tempted to buy something by…

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Posted In: Use Cases

Almost nothing influences a purchasing decision as much as the opinions and reviews of other customers. Note: At the end of this article there is a link to the SPAR NPS dialogue. It’s a demo…

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