Because nothing beats a good Conversation

Posted In: Use Cases

Hardly anything influences a purchase decision as much as the opinions and evaluations of other customers. Note: There is a link to the SPAR NPS dialog at the end of this article. It is a…

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Posted In: Testimonials

Thomas von Allmen, TAVORA Ltd: “The chat dialogs from DiALOGiFY are being used on a long-term basis for various brands and will be set up as a Marketing Dialog Factory. Finally, we can communicate with our…

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Posted In: Customer Experience

“The higher the rating, the less you have to spend on marketing.” Fred Reichheld wrote his landmark article The One Number You Need to Grow and published it in the Harvard Business Review in December 2003. He…

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Posted In: Use Cases

Emmi has been involved in alpine skiing since the 2009/2010 season and has continuously developed this platform since then, with a focus on Swiss races. These include classics such as the giant slalom at the…

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Posted In: Testimonials

Urs Odermatt, L’Oréal: ‘With Scoutsss we can quickly gain insights and identify trends. This is a new generation of interaction with consumers’.

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